Reiki is one of the simplest, and possibly most effective methods of holistic healing in the civilized world. Its origins are said to lie in ancient Indian sutras and in Tibetan practices which are thousands of years old. Reiki is a word of Shinto origin which means something that cannot be seen but can be felt.
Rei means universal and also refers to the spiritual dimension and the soul. Ki is the name for the vital life force which flows through all that is alive. When these two Japanese characters are combined they present the concept of universal life force energy.
One definition of Reiki is the channeling of natural life force energy through a human being to another living being. Another way of saying it is the channeling of Love in the form of healing energy through a human being to another living being.
A person can perform Reiki on themselves or receive treatments from a trained Reiki practitioner. It consists of the laying-on-of-hands at specific areas or energy centers in the body. It is currently being used for many diverse applications, some of which are, inducing deep relaxation, reducing stress, treating headaches, asthma, arthritis, hastening the physical healing process, relieving pain and healing long-term chronic illness.
A treatment takes about an hour, beginning at the head, covering the areas of the eyes, the sinus, the brain, the pituitary and pineal glands, the throat and thyroid. The treatment continues through several hand positions on the front of the body and on the back. Through these steps which last approximately 3 to 5 minutes each, all of the body's major organs, glands, vessels, meridians, and subtle energy centers receive Reiki. This stimulates physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance. The post treatment experience is one where the body feels balanced, vital, relaxed and integrated and the mind is calm. In fact, treatments are often given through plaster casts. The person remains fully clothed while being treated. You don't have to be in any special state of consciousness to receive Reiki, you don't have to even believe in it. It is often used on animals and even plants to improve their well-being.
This healing energy is universal but the ability to channel this energy is activated in the practitioner by a Reiki Master. Reiki empowerment comes through a series of attunements that increase power at each level or degree. Once you have been initiated into Reiki, the empowerment for healing yourself and others is available to you for the rest of your life.
Reiki is not a religion. It beholds no doctrines, creeds or contradictions to the Universal Laws of Consciousness and Love. No matter where the person may be at a certain point in their life, Reiki will harmonize and embrace their philosophical center point, adding to it the Divine Presence.
Once an individual is attuned to Reiki through initiations, they are permanently linked without the need of conscious alteration of the mind, either through meditation, prayer or imaging.
Simply placing one's hands on oneself or another person, allows the energy to flow through the individual. It fills the Reiki practitioner's body first and then flows out through the practitioner's hands into the individual who is receiving the healing.
Reiki energy comes from the God-Force and is an extremely powerful healing energy. It is one of the few forms of healing that can be used to heal oneself. Reiki does not conflict with other health care, but enhances its results. It does not interfere with traditional medical treatment, but facilitates benefits. Reiki speeds the healing process and provides a source of restoring energy while one is ill, under medical treatment or in recovery.
Reiki healing is a pure energy form. When it is combined with the sincere desire of the healee, who is willing to effect a cleansing within their emotional and spiritual consiousness, a total healing can occur.
We must always remember that the energy of the God-Force is neutral and awaits the positive, productive empowerment by the healee. The Reiki practitioner plays an instrumental part in the transformation and yet ultimately it is up to the healee to manifest harmony and balance in their life.
The Reiki practitioner is a channel and must not allow the Ego-Will to desire the healee well. The Reiki practitioner must be a clear vessel through which the healing energy flows. This allows the highest soul purpose to be the outcome of the healing.
Reiki is a tool for use at any moment, any time, anywhere for on-the-spot stress release, pain relief and quick energy. In short, Reiki is a holistic self-help technique for directing natural life energy. No special environment or equipment is needed and age makes no difference. By following steps taught by a trained Reiki Master/Teacher, anyone is able to direct the light energy of Reiki to meet individual needs.
The Three Degrees of Reiki There are three degrees or levels or the Reiki Ray. Each possesses a unique radiation of energy set forth for a specific purpose in healing.
First Degree, or Reiki Level I
In order to become capable of channeling Reiki for self-healing or for the benefit of others, including people, animals and plants, one attends a seminar lasting 2 or 3 days, depending upon the teacher. It requires no special invocation or alteration of the thinking process to turn on the flow of Reiki. By simply placing hands on and opening the heart to love, one automatically brings in the energy. The seminar includes instruction and practice in proper hand placement and a series of four energy activating attunements, also known as initiations, amplifying the student's natural ability to channel life force. Thereafter it is a matter of practice; the more one channels, the stronger the flow becomes and the more powerful the treatments are. The first degree is the foundation of all three degrees, and must first be mastered thoroughly before the person is considered for the next degree.
Second Degree or Reiki Level II
The student is introduced to techniques for absentee healing and for working with deep-seated emotional and mental problems. Additionally, the student begins to come into relationship with three symbols, one of which serves to focus and increase the flow of energy, the mental/emotional healing symbol,and one which assists in the absentee healing process. It is thought by some that these are ancient symbols which are basically a formula for transformation at the soul level. The second degree class also involves energy activating attunements.
Third Degree or Reiki Level III
Traditionally, this is the level at which one becomes capable of teaching Reiki. It requires a very high degree of commitment. Invariably, great personal growth accompanies this level. Third degree is also known as the Master level and it is at this time that the student is taught the techniques for opening the energy channels within other people, or performing the initiations. (Some teachers, however, have divided the Master level into two, i.e., Reiki III and Reiki IV as the Master level. Students who are only interested in further increasing the flow and power of the energy takes the Reiki III class. And students who are interested in teaching go on to the Reiki IV class.)
Reiki differs from other healing modalities in some significant ways. It differs from traditional faith healing in that no belief is required. It differs from several other modalities in that the practitioner need not diagnose a problem or seek to manipulate energy in any way. The distribution and use of the energy is the responsibility of the innate wisdom of the recipient. It differs from still others in that Reiki practitioners normally feel refreshed rather than depleted following a treatment.
Reiki is a powerful tool when used in the meditative state. it enhances the experience and practitioners have felt profound effects on tehir level of understanding of life and of their ability to live joyfully. Reiki increases a person's capacity to receive and is a remarkable tool for self-growth.
The Two Precepts of Reiki
1. The Person Must Ask
The person must ask to be healed. In asking, the person is making a conscious decision to take responsibility for his state of existence, the desire for change, the desire to be healed. It is not the job of any healer to try and help where healing is not wanted. One should not spend precious time and energy with those who are not interested or prepared to receive It is an infringement on their free will.
2. There Must Be An Exchange of Energy for Services
The healing energy belongs to the Universe, to God. However, there should be an exchange of energy for the healer's time and service. Besides, it is not right to keep someone feeling indebted for services rendered, thus the healee by sharing energy in a variety of forms, frees himself of obligation. Exchange can be anything from the stored concept of energy we call money, to an exchange of services between the healee and the Reiki practitioner.
Reiki practitioners offering healing services on a professional level do establish a fee. The fee sets a value on the service, which is considered a concrete reality in the thinking of humankind. Wellness, likewise, has a value, and ultimately reflects the feeling of worthiness and self-love of the people seeking to change their state of health.
*Disclaimer: All modalities offered are not a replacement or substitute for medical or psychological treatments. Please consult with your primary physician before beginning any new treatment.