Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with a person's guardian angels and archangels, to heal and harmonize every aspect of life. Angel Therapy also helps you to more clearly receive Divine Guidance from the Creator and angels.
"Everyone has guardian angels and these angels perform God's will of peace for us all. When we open ourselves to hear our angels' messages, every aspect of our lives become more peaceful." ~Dr.Doreen Virtue.
Angel Medicine
Serving as a clear channel for Grace~Love~Light, to flow through, to the client, for their healing is how this works. Your Spirit Team (your Angels and Spirit Guides instruct me (the practitioner/therapist) what modality of many different energy therapies to utilize and apply for the facilitation of your desired outcome for your healing session.
An Invitation From Your Spirit Team
Please allow us the time for this session so that we can have a voice that you may be able to consciously start working and co-creating for your greatest and highest good. We are trying to help you on your journey and to enhance your magical journey, only we are having a difficult time communicating and aiding YOU when you are not "TUNING" into our frequency. Employ what ever method available to you that we can commune together until you are receiving our love openly and freely...During your Angel Session, this is the space we have created for us to CONNECT!
~Your Spirit Team
Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with a person's guardian angels and archangels, to heal and harmonize every aspect of life. Angel Therapy also helps you to more clearly receive Divine Guidance from the Creator and angels.
"Everyone has guardian angels and these angels perform God's will of peace for us all. When we open ourselves to hear our angels' messages, every aspect of our lives become more peaceful." ~Dr.Doreen Virtue.
Angel Medicine
Serving as a clear channel for Grace~Love~Light, to flow through, to the client, for their healing is how this works. Your Spirit Team (your Angels and Spirit Guides instruct me (the practitioner/therapist) what modality of many different energy therapies to utilize and apply for the facilitation of your desired outcome for your healing session.
An Invitation From Your Spirit Team
Please allow us the time for this session so that we can have a voice that you may be able to consciously start working and co-creating for your greatest and highest good. We are trying to help you on your journey and to enhance your magical journey, only we are having a difficult time communicating and aiding YOU when you are not "TUNING" into our frequency. Employ what ever method available to you that we can commune together until you are receiving our love openly and freely...During your Angel Session, this is the space we have created for us to CONNECT!
~Your Spirit Team